third party administrator

Positiva was founded by a team of experts specialised in Claims Management & Settlements, both in Surety and Commercial Credits fields.

The recourse to outsourcing for non-core business activities, adopted from Anglo-Saxon context, through a Third Party Administrator, is now a reality widely used in Italy too. It guarantees independent and impartial advice reducing the risk of conflict of interests.
From the experience as claims’ handlers and managers, legal advisors and insurance specialists, combined with long-term partners specifically skilled on Surety, Positiva TPA is the new project of young and highly qualified professionals, with different backgrounds in insurance law, public tender law, civil law and human resources management.


We deliver tailor made T.P.A. services, based on the specific customer needs. The international and multidisciplinary approach developed in the years of experience of its founding Partners, allows the TPA to deliver services in relation to risks written locally and internationally.


founding partners

Giorgia Silvestri

Sole Director
Legal Advisor & Claims' Management Specialist

Giulia Palano

Founding Partner
Legal Advisor & HR Management