Giorgia Silvestri

Giorgia Silvestri

Sole Director
Legal Advisor & Claims' Management Specialist

Born in Rome, bilingual Italian-English, she obtained a Master’s Degree in Law in 2009 at the University of Rome Roma Tre.

In 2009 she participated to the internship programme of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAECRUI) completing an internship in Strasbourg – France at the office of the Italian co-agent at the European Court of Human Rights, improving her language skills in French and her legal background in human and civil rights.

In 2013 she qualified as Lawyer successfully passing her bar exam, she also completed the master’s degree in Diplomatic Studies at the Italian Society for the International Organization of Rome (SIOI) and began her experience in the surety business as an employee in the legal department of an underwriting agency of an English insurance company.

From 2015 to 2022 she has been Head of the legal office, developing its structure, in close contact with the company’s Management. As such, she has been responsible for the organization and supervision of all the activities carried out by the office, also taking care of the coordination with the company’s management, consultants, external partners, both locally and internationally.

In particular, she has participated and supervised the claims management activities throughout the pre-litigation phase of the enforcement of surety policies referred to in Legislative Decree no. 50/2016 (Public Procurement Code), thus acquiring experience in managing relations with the claims offices of insurance companies and with the lawyers appointed by them, negotiating transactions, suggesting payments and  recovery actions.

She has worked closely with the underwriting departments of insurance companies, both from a legal and business development point of view. She has assisted the Company’s management in the research for underwriting capacity as well as in the business development by maintaining relationships with Insurance Companies and Brokers.

She also coordinated the premium collection activities of collecting, the relations with independent authorities (ANAC) and IVASS, providing specific support to the Company’s Management in the exchange of information and in the maintenance of the relationships.